the Carmel

04 - The Holy Family (Müller) - summer 1896



Look up and see how the countryside is already white enough to be
harvested. John 4, 35.

That your harvest may soon be gathered.
Every day, oh my God, I immolate myself and I pray...
My joys and my sorrows are for your reapers...
I would like, oh my God, to carry your Fire away!... (PN 24 str. 15 and 17 with variations).

The harvest is great, but the number of reapers is small, so pray to the Master of the
harvest which he sends reapers. Mt 9, 37-38
One sows and the other reaps, and he who sows will rejoice like he who reaps. Jn 4,35-
I came to bring fire to the earth and what do I want but to have it lit? Luke 12,49.


(Latin text from the end of the prayers of the Divine Office).

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