the Carmel

05 - Souvenir of the short exile - summer 1896

There are three copies of this moving family memento, but perhaps each of the Martin sisters had her own, offered by Thérèse.

The first below, with the dove representing Mélanie, was used by Céline and copied by her in another composition. The second copy below, with the angel carrying Mélanie, was made by Thérèse for her personal use.

Learn more about Heaven's little brothers and sisters

N°5a: a dove in flight represents Mélanie-Thérèse

N°5b: an angel comes to get her



Remembrance of the short exile of our dear Little Angels and their Birth in Heaven
Marie-Hélène 13 Oct.1864 - 22 February 1870
Marie-Joseph-Louis Sept. 20, 1866 - Feb. 14 1867
Marie-Joseph-Jean-Baptiste 19 Xbre 1867 - 25 August 1868
Marie-Mélanie-Thérèse August 16, 1870 - Oct. 8, 1870.


Let the little Children come to me, the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them. Mk 10,14
Their Angels continually see the Face of my Heavenly Father. Anyone who will make himself small
as a child will be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Mt 18,10.4
Jesus kissed the Children after blessing them. Mk 10,16

Blessed are those whom God counts righteous without works, for with regard to those who do
works, the reward is not regarded as a grace, but as a thing due. It is
therefore freely that those who do not works are justified by grace, in virtue of the
redemption of which Jesus Christ is the author.
(Ep. of St. Paul to the Romans. Rom 4, 6.4 and 3, 24.)

The Lord will lead his flock into the pasture, he will gather the little lambs, and the
take on her bosom.
(Isaiah 40,11)

I heard a voice which came from Heaven and this voice imitated the sound of harps touched by
instrument players. They sang like a new song before the throne of God, and
no one could say that song except the virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes...
They were redeemed from among men as first fruits to God and to the Lamb. It is not
no lie came out of their mouths, so they stand without spot before the throne of God.
(Rev. 14, 2-5.)


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