Little distance to Lisieux between Buissonnets and Carmel. But between these two places of life, what contrasts... From the warm nest of which she was not the spoiled child but the pampered youngest, Thérèse experienced in the monastery the austere setting where an existence of prayer, silence, of solitude with God and for God, in the midst of a community of 26 sisters. Great continuity in the Carmels of France since the XNUMXth century: influence of this century and of Cardinal de Bérulle, strict observance and punctilious closure codified by a thousand little customs, but spiritual presence of Saint Thérèse of Avila, "our Seraphic Mother", said ‑on, the foundress of all, whose spirit and constitutions are jealously guarded as the most precious of heritages. Interaction nevertheless with the evolution of Catholicism in France, the spirit of asceticism and reparation which had invested it somewhat.