the Carmel
From Marie Martin to her parents – January 21, 1872.

MARTIN Marie, Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart
GUERIN Zélie, Mrs. Louis Martin


From Marie Martin to her parents. January 21, 1872.
                                                                          January 21, 72.
My dear parents,
I received your letter yesterday, it made me very happy, and I will tell you that I am no longer sad now because I try not to think much about Alençon, because there is only the thought of to be away from you which saddens me, however it pains me to leave [I v°] the Visitation because I would no longer see my aunt, but yes, she was not a nun and she could come with us I would be very happy to go and find you again, I who love you so much. It is true that I have to do my education and I know very well that the visitation is one of the best pensions, but it is very hard to be so far from one's parents.
My dear little Mother my aunt interceded so well for us [2 r°] with the superior that we did not lose our decorations. I hope you are all doing well and that you no longer have a sore throat because I would be very sad if you died. seems to me that I will be so happy when I will no longer be far from my good parents but I will still be sad because I will see my aunt only rarely and that will make me sad. [2v°]I hope the two little bullfinches are still in good health because I haven't forgotten them either.
My dear parents, there is a little news that arrived on the first of the year she is eleven years old and she already knows Italian and English the other day she recited fables to us in English.
My good parents, I will end my letter by embracing you very tenderly as well as my little sisters and Louise  
Your respectful and affectionate little girl
Mary Martin.
[2v°tv] My dear little Mother, I have just gone to the parlor to Madame Leconte (a cousin of Mr. Martin, Mrs. Hilarion Leconte born Claire Bohard, or more probably, a friend whom Mrs. Martin loved very much and who will die on 3 May 1874) she is very good for us because she brought us half a dozen large oranges and two bags of sweets, one of which contained pralines and the other sugared almonds. 

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