the Carmel
From Mother Agnès to Céline – September (?) 1893.

MARTIN Pauline, Mother Agnes of Jesus
MARTIN Céline, Sister Geneviève of the Holy Face


From Mother Agnès to Céline. September (?) 1893.
My darling little Célin,
It's your turn to do a favor for your little Paul (the Carmel had “done a favor” to Céline by returning the Nativity painting to her for a few days). Think that the provisional made a mistake this morning on its note of meat for our sick (the primitive Rule of Carmel proscribed the use of meat, except for the sick)... Here we are supplied [lv°] from a butcher's shop freak.
I'm sorry, it will be meat to throw away... Take us, please, our little shoulder of mutton or the four pounds of beef to put them in the sauce you want... Choose, but I implore you, don't refuse... Speak to my Aunt quietly, because I would be [2r°] very upset if it were known...
We are waiting for the answer to then send you what you choose. Look, I have become a butcher! Ah! my darling, pray for me, I have a very pressing need... But how I feel that Jesus is with me!
The ball was made and embroidered by one [2v°] of our sisters of the white veil (Sister Saint-Vincent de Paul, an excellent embroiderer) who likes me. surprised her, she was so grateful for what you did for Sr. Madeleine.
Farewell, my little Célin! Thank you I love you.
your little mother,
Sr Agnes of Jesus
rc ind.

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