the Carmel
From Sister Marie-Dosithée to Mme Guérin, her sister-in-law – July 14, 1867

GUERIN Marie-Louise, Sr Marie-Dosithée


From Sister Marie-Dosithée to Mme Guérin, her sister-in-law.
V. + J.
                                                                                                 From our Mother of Le Mans
                                                                                                 The 14 July 1867  
   Dear sister
Your little letter made me very happy, because without being absolutely worried I was nevertheless a little tormented, but since you are doing well, you are so happy, everything is going for the best.
You have just arrived from the exhibition (Universal Exhibition in Paris, on the Champ de Mars: 52 exhibitors, 000 million visitors) and I from Rome; not that I actually went there as you might imagine, but in spirit. Mr our Chaplain arrived yesterday, what wonders! What a crowd (Rome was celebrating the 11th centenary of the martyrdom of the apostles Peter and Paul. Grandiose ceremonies took place for twelve consecutive days, from June 18 to July 20. Pius IX took advantage of this exceptional gathering of the Christian people to announce the opening of the Council Vatican I, convoked 1-29-6, opened 1868-8-12). 
20 priests, more than 000 bishops or cardinals, 500 people, what veneration for the Holy Pontiff! How good it is! he [250 v°] seems that his presence alone charms and delights, he has an inexpressible stamp of holiness. What a beautiful ceremony took place on June 000, it started around 1 a.m. and ended at 29:7 a.m., during the offertory we sang a piece that lasted an hour it was composed of three choirs of 1 voices each, the spectators give up describing the effect produced, they confine themselves only to saying, “in Heaven we will see better”. Finally, dear sister, I give up depicting to you the happiness of all the happy pilgrims who return from the Eternal City. We have one of our younger sisters who went there two years ago before coming here, and although she is not easily moved and she is like me who finds nothing beautiful here, she is, however, in such great enthusiasm when she hears about the Holy Father and Rome, that she comes out of herself, so to speak.
  [2 r°) Please, dear Céline, try to get Isidore out a bit, he needs to get some fresh air and have some fun; in short, it is true that I hardly worry about it, I know you are so happy and so well made for each other that you cannot fail to be in joy and happiness; when God still sends you trials, the feelings of piety with which you are animated will make you bear them with resignation.
I will be happy, dear Sister, to see you again and that you are willing to accept this little book (The “Introduction to the Devout Life”, which she previously offered her); I am sure that this reading will be pleasant to you; she formed many Saints; in the time of St. Francis de Sales many pious ladies conformed their lives to it, which in a short time brought them to the highest perfection.
I agree with you about Zélie's trip, she should have taken [2, v°] one of her granddaughters with her, that would have made you happy. My Father must be staying with her. I'm very happy about it. I've wanted him to take the decision to stay with his children for a long time; at his age he needs care that a servant is not capable of giving him; I haven't heard from him for a long time, I wouldn't be sorry to know how he is.
Farewell good little sister am happy with all the affection you show me I can assure you that I have none less for you, you deserve it so well in all respects.
I kiss you with all my heart
your loving sister
Sr. Marie Dosithee Guérin
From the Von Ste Marie

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