the Carmel
From Sister Marie‑Dosithée to Mme Martin – March 1872.

GUERIN Marie-Louise, Sr Marie-Dosithée
GUERIN Zélie, Mrs. Louis Martin


From Sister Marie-Dosithée to Mme Martin. March 1872.
V. + J.
My dear sister.
I'm writing you this little note to ask you to take on a small commission. We have asked the Sisters of St Vincent de Paul to oblige us to give us mint plants to plant, we are asking them for 40 plants, although we would need a hundred. Ask these ladies to direct you to a gardener who can supply what they cannot send to us, and have the kindness to send us everything when it is time to transplant them; if it could only take place at the end of the Easter holidays, the people who would bring the children back could bring it; if my Sr Félicité (tourière of the Visitation of Le Mans) takes them she would take care of the commission, but if on the contrary it is necessary to prick her (transplant) now, send her either by rail or by the messenger.
I don't know yet if my sister Félicité will be able to go to Alençon, we have two sick Tourières sisters, it is true that by then one will be cured, but not the other; well, I didn't talk about it, not knowing if you wanted Mr. Romet to take them away, you'll think about it.
Goodbye dear sister, the three of us are doing well. Last Thursday, the day of the outing, the little girls had a great time, they have more fun here than going out, the teachers do everything they can to amuse them, there were even children who went out with their parents who would have liked to stay.
Marie is doing her month of St Joseph, with great fervor, I asked her to make a novena for me, it started a day earlier so that the Saint would have time to hear me (he must be warned at time so as not to overload it) so she intends to make one for Pauline before her first communion and she will start it so that she will finish two days before, because, she says, she will have to go to confession and she must grace be obtained for this moment, finally it is very nice; devotion has not yet grown much in Pauline, I don't like it, have the St Claires pray for her. [v°] finally pray that it comes, in the meantime I kiss you with all my heart.
Your loving sister
Sr. M. Dosithee Guérin.
If we couldn't get a hundred feet of mint we could make do with 60, we'll pay what it takes. 

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