the Carmel
From Mother Marie de Gonzague to Mme Guérin – May 17, 1888.

Marie de Gonzague


From Mother Marie de Gonzague to Madame Guérin. May 17, 1888.

Jesus! JMJT
Carmel of Lisieux
17 may 1888.
How my heart feels belated with you and Monsieur Guérin! Not having told you yet all my gratitude for your inexhaustible kindness towards me (during his illness) is very bad, but I know you are so good, Madam, that I want to hope that your heart has understood the fibers of mine and you will have knew my gratitude forever.
Our dear and fervent retreatant prepares herself in complete solitude for the greatest and most beautiful day of her life, her alliance with the Celestial Bridegroom; this big day will be for our interior on Tuesday 22, we rightly thought that the morning of the outdoor party would be too busy. Also I want you to know as soon as this thought came, that our Mary of the Sacred Heart will be the Spouse of Jesus [1 v°] Tuesday morning after the 7 o'clock mass, we will go to the chapter; I have no doubt that his dear uncle, his beloved aunt and his dear little sisters (his cousins ​​Jeanne and Marie Guérin) are with us with their hearts and prayers.
Now for our great day of external celebration where you will all be, I hope, here is what has been settled by the Superiors for the hours: in the morning at 8 o'clock, Mass by Monsignor, sermon by Father Pichon afterwards and the ceremony of the sail catch; at 2 hours Sermon by His Majesty or the gd vicar who will accompany him and a very solemn Blessing.
I believe that the evening ceremony will not be very long, Monsignor leaving for Caen immediately afterwards, in order to be able to go Thursday morning to give confirmation in Mouen near Caen.
I am going to send Madame Fournet, Madame Maudelonde the hours, as well as those Miss Pigeons; If you have a few people who would be happy to attend the party, you will give us great pleasure, Madam, to invite them.
We have for little beggar Madeleine Decornière (sixth child of Dr. de Cornière. Madeleine was to beg in the Carmel chapel, at the ceremony of May 23).
[2 r°] I hope that the hours will not conflict with Mr. Guérin's occupations.
We never stop praying for your angel Marie, how kind and kind she is, this child, her Loulou (passing nickname of Thérèse) pray for her and her healing! other perfection than this Loulou, I could never have believed in such an advanced judgment in 15 years of age!... not a word to say to him, everything is perfect...
Your children cherish their uncle and aunt as much as children can love, and shower their beloved sisters with kisses.
My deep respect and religious gratitude to Monsieur Guérin. Please, Madame, always believe in my most affectionate feelings. Your girlfriend and servant
Sr. Marie de Gonzague.
R c i.

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