According to a custom of the Carmels, at the beginning of each month, the nuns took from a basket placed on the steps of the choir, a note bearing the name of a protective patron saint for the month, to be discovered and venerated especially.  

Before drawing the banknotes, we invoke the Holy Spirit... And in particular, we can if we want to use the following direction:

"Holy Spirit, who penetrates the secret of hearts, and who clearly sees the needs of my soul, cast lots for me the Saint whom you desire that I honor, and the virtue which you know I have greatest need of Holy Virgin, lead my hand to choose the ticket that is most suitable for me.”

After drawing one's ticket, when one is in one's private person, one must invoke the Saint who has fallen, asking him to take us into his protection, to have the devotion that we dedicate to him in the course of this month, and to help us, by his intercession, in the exercise of the virtue which we desire to practice, in his imitation. It would be good to pray a little on the sentence and on the virtue that has fallen to us. Every day, morning and evening, one must say some prayer in honor of one's patron saint, to commend oneself to him. We must also recommend, every day, to Our Lord the things for which we are obliged to pray by his note.