the Carmel
From Mother Marie de Gonzague to Thérèse – October-November (?) 1889

Marie de Gonzague
MARTIN Thérèse, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus


From Mother Marie de Gonzague to Thérèse. October-November (?) 1889


to My little lamb that I understand to the bottom of my soul. O Child, yes exile is long but it must be filled, mine is ending and yours is beginning, I am not going to make you laugh but the truth is needed in all things! Jesus pruned my violet to suffer and I don't want to be a prophet today, but I can nevertheless say to my little girl, it is suffering, even more so sacrifice, that will make you a great saint. Everything will not be spared us, we will have a beautiful bundle of them at the end of our exile and, other Saint Thérèse, if we are faithful, we will see the Jesus of Thérèse.
Pray for my poor soul whom Jesus also loves despite his poverty, his place will be at the door of heaven. But get him, privileged child to see his God. I bless you.

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