the Carmel

Circular of Sister Marie-Antoinette

port sister
Antoinette White 1863-1896  

In the octave of the beautiful feast of All Saints, the Divine Master has just plucked from our humble flowerbed, a delicate and privileged little flower: our dear sister Marie-Antoinette, associate tourière of our community, 33 years old, 8 month.

Born in Granville in the dep. de la Manche, she lost her good mother at the age of 2, and was entrusted a few months later by her father to the care of Mademoiselle de Valroger, founder of the important workshop of Caen. She found in this blessed asylum, an aunt and a cousin, friendly and devoted hearts who still show her their tenderness today with very deep regrets. Our dear child was therefore not abandoned, and the Lord always thus warned her of the particular marks of His Providence during the course of her rapid career.

The least of God's blessings was certainly not his admission among us. Her insignia benefactress having proposed her to us as possessing all the qualities required for a good portress: piety, gentleness, friendliness, perfect discretion, we did not hesitate to receive her despite her very poor health. Today, can we repent of it? No, because the passage of an angel is always precious and helpful. Her dear companion on the tour, who was so devoted to her, and whom she repaid with so much gratitude and affection, never had any other reproach to make of her than that of being a bit of a child... to which she replied one day: - "But, my sister, I do not want to correct myself for this defect, since it is necessary to have it to enter Heaven....remember the word of Jesus: Unless you become like little children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven..."

We can add to his praise, my RM, these two other words of the Divine Master: Blessed are those who are meek, because they will possess the earth... Blessed are the pure in heart, because they will see God! This promise in the sight of God was not long in coming true for our pious child...

Eighteen months ago, the chest disease from which she suffered made such progress that our devoted doctor left us with no hope. We then sent him on the pilgrimage of Salvation, to seek his healing at the miraculous grotto; but the blessed Virgin did not want to give him the years of earth, so full of pain and anguish!... She only increased his peace and his resignation, reserving for him in Heaven the eternal years...

From this journey to Lourdes, it was therefore necessary to think very quickly of the great journey of eternity!... Our poor child was weakening, and the illness taking on alarming proportions each day, our devoted and so pious chaplain thought prudent. to give him Extreme Unction, and, some time later, the indulgence of a good death. Every week, he also brought her Holy Viaticum. Alas! November 4 was her day of communion, and in the morning her ever-increasing oppression made her say to her dear companion: “Oh! do not leave me ! ... I am suffocating... I am not going to be able to receive my Jesus today!... I really believe that I am going to die...”

Dear child! the dawn of the communions of the earth was no longer going to rise for her here below... But Jesus came forward to receive her innocent soul and introduce her into the eternal Tabernacles...

It was 8:XNUMX am when this ineffable and sweet meeting took place... during which the community gathered in the choir recited for our happy child the prayers of the manual.

We have the intimate confidence, my RM, that our little Sister Marie-Antoinette has received a favorable welcome from the Beloved. She may not have had to offer God an abundant harvest, the fruit of long and painful battles, but we remember with great consolation these words of Saint Paul which seem to suit her so well: "Blessed are those whom God keeps for righteous without works! »

Nevertheless, my RM, we come to request for our beloved daughter the offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and all that your charity will inspire in you. She will be very grateful to you, as well as we, who have the grace to tell us with religious and profound respect, my Reverend and very honored Mother,
your humble sister and servant,
Sister Marie de Gonzague, rci
From our Monastery of the SC of Jesus and the Immaculate Conception of the Carmelites of Lisieux, November 4, 1896.