the Carmel

NOTTA Alphonse-Henri Doctor

Born February 26, 1824 in Fourqueux (Seine et Oise), died July 23, 1914 in Lisieux.

Doctor of medicine and surgeon, he practiced all his life in Lisieux (extern in medicine in 1846 - intern in 1847). A regional authority at the time, he was a friend of Mr. Guérin. Consulted by Mme Martin at the end of 1876, he bluntly told her that she was lost. He treated Thérèse from March to May 1883 during her nervous illness. He followed Mr. Martin in 1887-1889 and signed his certificate of hospitalization at the Bon Sauveur in Caen in February 1889.

His doctoral thesis is on "Research on the healing of the arteries", it was completed in 1850. He was a member of the National Academy of Medicine (surgical pathology section) from December 10, 1878; and member of the Anatomical Society of Paris from 1847. A page on his "Memory on the obliteration of the umbilical arteries and on umbilical arteritis" is available online on the website of the Lisieux Electronic Library:

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