the Carmel

Photo album offered to Mother Marie de Gonzague

This photo album was offered by Thérèse to Marie de Gonzague for her birthday on June 21, 1897.

It is one of Thérèse's last texts, written at the same time as Manuscript C and bearing the same inspiration.

She certainly got help from Céline and Marie Guérin, the two photographers from the monastery.

The texts, many of which are handwritten (by Mother Agnès?), describe the life of Carmel by re-reading it with the Bible.

Of the 57 photo captions, 34 are explicit quotes from Scripture.

The album has a very faded garnet cover, measuring 26,5 X 35,5 cm., Italian style.

It includes 45 hardcover folios. Of these folios, 19 bear 57 pasted photos (4 have disappeared), with or without legends.

We have reduced the margins of each folio with a single photo to allow better viewing.