the Carmel

Courier from the front

Excerpts from correspondence received at the Carmel of Lisieux during the First World War

Aubert, Pierre / sergeant


1915 July - During a month of convalescence that I was able to spend with one of my bosses in Deauville, he insisted on taking me to Lisieux where I made a pilgrimage to Buissonnets, Carmel and at the tomb of Little Sister Thérèse. My two sisters had once spoken to me about the devotion to the little Saint and I confess to you quite simply that I was very skeptical at the time. Now I was deeply touched and really moved by this little mystical figure, so sweet, so beautiful, with such great faith, with such admirable trust in God.

And close to her I felt so confident myself, so inclined to take refuge near her that I left on her grave a letter with the photograph of my wife... and mine. And I left the cemetery of Lisieux, carrying an absolute certainty in the future as if little Sister Thérèse had told me herself that from that moment we were tied. I am on the eve of returning to the front.

Gerard, Charles / Corporal

1916 February - Drawn from the depths of the abyss of unbelief, I go gently to faith. It was full of my indigence that one day I came across the Story of a Soul that the Curé du Cantonnement lent me and I read there that there is a road, a joy, which is called holy joy and that even the simple will follow it and not go astray. Sister Thérèse, humble flower of the field, emboldened me and made me see that Jesus loved the humble with a special love. She breathes courage into me and with her I wait, I hope... she completes my conversion. When I have the honor of going to fight, I would like Sister Thérèse – my boss from now on – to accompany me. I will take her with me in my heart, in my memory, but I would like a flower from her grave to be placed in my wallet, on my heart.

Photos of soldiers placed on Thérèse's grave, sometimes by the mother

Bellois, Henri /Corporal


1916 March A letter informed him of the illness of his two daughters.

I beg you to excuse me by asking you to unite your prayers with mine in honor of Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus in order to have a complete healing of my little ones. In my ideas, I cannot find better doctors than my Little Sister Thérèse, in whom I have unforgettable confidence in my heart.

I would like to own all the editions and spend my time reading them in the moments of rest that remain to me apart from my monitoring service....She is for me a support, a guarantee, and a friend in the fight. Every day too, I don't forget him when I get up in the morning I address a prayer to him and every evening a rosary.

1916 June  It is with great joy that I address this letter to you, to thank you with all my heart. I was touched with joy when these little photographs [of Thérèse] struck my sight, I felt an impression that renewed my morale. But I was not alone: ​​one of my men who was with me was struck in the same way, and he found the little photo so nice that he hastened to ask me if I had any others. Seeing him so touched and so happy to meet Little Sister Thérèse, I offered him a cardboard photo, which he couldn't help staring at the medallion at any moment. Soon a man of my squad, who was sitting not far from us, soon had the awakening [soon got wind?] of this little distribution [and] came to find me asking me if I still had these little medallions. I immediately offered him the last one. So, the 3 medallions are in my squad, and placed in hands of good faith, and their confidence is limited with all their heart in this Little Saint. Several comrades come from time to time to ask if I had medallions. By announcing that no, their smiling faces became sad, but asking me to send them some immediately. I am happy myself to make people happy and to approach their misguided confidence in this Little Sister Thérèse. Dear Mother, I am sending you at the same time as this letter a note for 5 francs... I would ask you to kindly send me medallions immediately, so that I can satisfy several of my friends who are so eager. I thank you wholeheartedly in advance; my comrades join me.

1916 November  On leave, I took a moment to go to the grave of my Little Thérèse. [In] moments of boredom, I remember this little pilgrimage that lifts my courage and makes me forget those agonizing days.


1917 May  I send you in this small parcel the reward [military decoration] which I obtained a few days ago, which I gained in a small attack of which I took part voluntarily. I walked away without a scratch. I owe my gratitude to my Little Thérèse... This Croix de Guerre belongs to her rather than to me, in the table of decorations which is exhibited in her honor. And I thank her from the bottom of my heart: thank you, my Little Thérèse! THANKS ! THANKS !

1918 June / July On June 4, being on reconnaissance between the French and German lines, we were greeted by a fairly violent fire, and there I had proof of unlimited protection.

A revolver bullet pierced my jacket, my squad notebook and my wallet, and in addition my waistcoat, in front of the heart. But the bullet deviated without reaching my shirt thanks to the little medallion of Sister Thérèse which was there as a rampart. It was in the morning, at daybreak, that I noticed it, in which case [I] only made a very deep bow to my little Thérèse. And I thank her with all my heart, and I remain confident that she will always be my support in these trials... In July: [a] bullet had slipped before arriving at the medallion which saved me from death, since that bullet was supposed to hit me right in the heart.

Boucaud, Ch. / Sergeant 


1916 August  The hairy ones really like Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus and never tire of saying so; like them, I want to pay my debt to her today.

Life at the front is not always happy: great sadness can invade us and real dangers threaten us. I have felt these sadnesses, and I have known these dangers. But, reading the beautiful pages of thestory of a soul, courage and faith, resignation and confidence have returned to me with greater strength, a more indomitable impulse.

Oh !!! I can tell you by what means it was given to me to recover the lost energy, because it is simple: I followed as best I could the "Delicious Way of Spiritual Childhood", the one that leads us to happiness, in us passing through the spontaneous accomplishment of all duties. And all my gratitude goes to the lovely Servant of God.

pink brouquier

1917 June  Here flowers offer themselves to me. In memory of Sister Thérèse, I pluck a rose, in its freshness, and send you a few petals.

Accept them as thanks for the good you have done for everyone, and especially for the soldiers, by revealing to them the little queen, consoler and support of the tried.

Clouet, Julien / Engineering Company


1915 May Sister Thérèse, silently, visited the garden of my dreams... One day I read a little pamphlet Rain of Roses and I discussed it as a layman without realizing that a Rose had fallen into my heart and that the spell operate. Then the war came, the horrible war. Before leaving, my dear wife gave me a relic of our Saint. I went to Mass once, then twice, then often again and I experienced in abandoning myself to Sister Thérèse a great happiness at the same time as Trust was anchored in me. I loved to pray and I prayed everywhere on my war route... dreaming about this new route that Sister Thérèse traced out for me.

Dayras, J. / Aide Major

1918 August I make it my duty to tell you all the confidence I have in the power of little Sister Thérèse, to whom I owe having been protected last April in the Somme... In the midst of the danger of the fighting against which we cannot You can't do anything on your own, you feel like a little child, you need to rely blindly on the Father's protection and from this point of view, the little path of trust and abandonment is quite natural to the soldier. Faced with the war so close, one regrets having so little time to acquire merits, and the example of Sister Thérèse is precious, showing all those that can be drawn from the most humble actions simply offered to Jesus. Thus, by this easy way, I was able to bear with confidence and resignation all the trials that God sent to me. I was able to place the fate of my life in her hands, through Sr Thérèse; and as He wanted to keep it for me, I come today to pay homage to this powerful intermediary.

Mrs. Louis Delorme

1916 June  This dear little Saint watches over her protege, my husband, who has just fought a lot in Verdun and he came out of the furnace safe and sound! After the first fight, he went back there again and came out on June 18 very tired but without any injuries. He tells me it's a miracle. [attached a photo of our family].


Esnou, J. / Marshal of Logis

1918 March  I seek the alms of your prayers so that I may obtain the grace to follow the path of trust, abandonment and love that your little Saint preached to us by example. I also recommend my wife to you: it is the tomb of little Sister Thérèse which was the goal of our honeymoon in 1914. I have placed our union under her protection. During this war I entrust him with all my perilous missions. She protects me and puts courage in my heart.

1918 May It's online that I read his books... The life of your lovely little Saint is in its place in the isolation of the trenches. How she knows how to instruct hearts!

Gaillot, Gabriel / Sergeant-Major - Zouaves

1915 October Your Sister Thérèse, I am sure, will give us victory, she will give our armies the courage of the crusaders, and will make them accomplish the most heroic works, as she says herself.

De la Vaissière / Vessel Captain

of the dresser

1915 March  You would like to know some details on the graces that the Holy Soul has obtained for me.

It is first of all a protection of a persistent kindness since I have known her and addressed myself to her. I feel her close to me and to my life, helping me with difficult passes and giving me complete confidence. Add to this temporal help a spiritual protection which attracts me to serve God less badly, and you will have a small idea of ​​the fraternal and permanent help of the Saint of Carmel. She is completely accessible, completely charitable, and she somehow envelops her client in an atmosphere of extraordinary piety, gentleness and strength. Now I, the captain, an old sea dog, have given him the management of my poor boat. The captain can't do anything, but the pilot leads him, reassures him and charms him.

Nef, Maurice / Corporal

1915  Some time before the war, my wife, who is very Catholic, encouraged me to attend a conference on Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus in Somain (North). M. le Curé had distributed small pamphlets on Sister Thérèse and I carefully kept one on me. Although a Catholic myself, I very much neglected my Christian duties... Since then I have often invoked Sister Thérèse for certain small graces which I have always received and one day I felt driven by an irresistible force to confess and to commune. It was then that a great transformation took place in me. I no longer recognize myself, I live in perfect tranquillity, despite the shells and bullets falling around me. I attribute this to a miracle of Sister Thérèse.

Ball, Elie / Lieutenant

1918 May  I had the opportunity to enjoy reading The Wonderful Life of St Thérèse of the Child Jesus [A leafless rose]. I confess to you, my Mother, that myself, an old career soldier, 19 years of service... I had tears of joy reading this so beautiful existence and in front of so much simplicity, how petty the joys of this world.

ruffled rose

Vanlaethem, Pierre / Belgian Sergeant at Camp d'Auvours

1915 July A few days ago I received from a comrade a small collection of the life of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus and this reading put me back completely on the path that I had had the misfortune to forget . Since that day I have started praying to Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus and I find myself quite different, but I am missing something and that is what I have come to ask of your kindness. I will soon join the front. Before going where duty and God call me, I ask of your kindness for a medal of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus and it will be my happiness.

In front of the constant requests of the soldiers, Rome allowed the minting of medals before the Beatification of Thérèse.

Dumortier, Alfred / Sergeant 112e Infanterie


1915 July I was wounded on June 28 in the Bois de la G. at one o'clock in the morning by a French firecracker! It was barely 10 minutes since I invoked Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus.

I certainly owe it to his heavenly protection to have been saved from death because the firecracker exploded near me and I have no serious injuries. The Little Flower relic I wear on my chest is stained with my blood.

I continue to put my full trust in the power of the next new Saint! I am always happy to read the life of the Little Flower of Carmel. My spare time is spent living in his company.

How, Venerable Mother, do you deign to call me “Sister Thérèse's Sergeant”? What inner feeling did you obey? I firmly believe it was a feeling from Heaven. Although unworthy of this title, I accept it as a chivalrous nickname. May my celestial protector lead me along the small path.

1916 August  How happy I am to be in Lisieux! Since I have been here (3 days) I have been enveloped by the presence of my little sister Thérèse. I went to pray at his grave. I also visited Les Buissonnets. Bye !

Pasdeloup, Paul / 26th Territorial

1915 May  We are here in R. near A. in Artois, part of my Company is assigned to the supply of drinking water in the lines where active combatants are paid. Since 2 o'clock in the morning and during the day of the 26th, 967 shells fell in the sector of the village, and in that of the 27th until 11 o'clock in the morning 559 shells, shells of all calibers. It's frightening: dead and wounded unknown so far. It was not from that day that I put myself under the direct protection of Sister Thérèse and until now I can say that she was good enough to keep her little soldier. Yesterday evening during the bombardment, I displayed in the casemate where the comrades of my squad are encamped, an image of Sister Thérèse praying her with all my heart to guard and protect us. I will take it upon myself to continue to put her image in sight and all the comrades will agree to respect her, to love her, to pray to her. How could I prove my gratitude to Sister Thérèse, because it pleases me to pay homage to her miraculous intervention: despite the bombardment and the drudgery of various services, not a man in my section had a single scratch.

1915 June  In the casemate inhabited by my squad in the trenches, the image of Sister Thérèse is placed in the place of honor in the middle; here it is the same thing and we all respect your angelic little sister, and we have confidence in her "custody." For me, how did I know theStory of a Soul ? I confess to you that I read it first and found it quite naive. I said to myself: Sister Thérèse is a privileged person, brought up by a holy family. She did not know life, sin, she always remained in her thoughts outside the “world”. And then I meditated, I found that Sister Thérèse's “naivety” was quite simply a perfect abandonment, a great act of love... I have confidence! what I must ask Sister Thérèse is to protect me, to surrender me after this terrible war to the affection of my loved ones.

Piel, Maurice / Prisoner of War in Germany

1915 For the images of Sister Thérèse, I haven't had enough, everyone asks me for them, I don't have any more, in five minutes I was robbed.

Eudes, Julien / Sergeant 119th infantry regiment

1915  Dear Protector, having always had recourse to you, you have never abandoned me, even in the most critical moments, and by your protection I have already pulled myself out of this horrible hell four times, each time with a simple wound.


This has only increased my confidence in you. I come to ask you today to grant me and my brothers always, as in the past, your holy protection, and to reunite us as soon as possible by the end of this horrible war.

Tropet, L. / Captain

1916 August We have just fought very hard battles on the Somme, during which Sister Thérèse did not spare me her protection. In gratitude, I am sending you today, by post, the Croix de guerre which I won in one of these last assaults.

Rifflaud, Abbé Léon / Stretcher Bearer

1916 Allow me to send you a small offering for the beatification of little Sister Thérèse. I owe her a lot and she protected me well during the terrible moments we have just had on the Somme front. How many times, pulling the cart for the wounded or going for supplies on the roads perpetually bombarded with large caliber shells, have I repeated to her: "Dear little Sister Thérèse, pray for me, protect me, save me . and I also recited every day the Litanies that I composed in his honour. I allow myself to send them to you, so that you deposit them, if it is possible, as in praise and an urgent request for protection, in the cell where she gave back to Jesus her virginal soul. May she not forget me, please.

Gautier, Marcel / lieutenant 3e infantry company

Marcel Gautier

1915 March [After vain demoralizing attempts to dig a trench,] the Captain summons me to his office and gives me this order: “Tonight at 20 p.m. with 2 sergeants and 60 men under your orders you will go and dig this famous trench. » I was not proud, a certain emotion seized me: will I succeed, or will I fail in my turn?

A few minutes of reflection during which I ask Sr Thérèse to protect me and to be able to accomplish my mission without incident. Then I have to climb the parapet of the trench and deploy my men over a length of 80 meters... The bullets are constantly whistling around us. I ask in a low voice if anyone is hurt. Oh ! happiness ! the answer comes to me: so far no one has anything. My whole section is working hard in the trenches. Three hours after the work ordered, it is done, without any soldier having received the slightest injury. I would even say that the men were so happy that they came to shake my hand and their faces were all joyful. I immediately thanked Little Sr Thérèse for her visible protection. More than ever we must pray and ask for the intercession of Sr Thérèse of the Child Jesus.

A few minutes of reflection during which I ask Sr Thérèse to protect me and to be able to accomplish my mission without incident. Then I have to climb the parapet of the trench and deploy my men over a length of 80 meters... The bullets whistle around us all the time. I ask in a low voice if anyone is hurt. Oh ! happiness ! the answer comes to me: so far no one has anything. My whole section is working hard in the trenches. Three hours after the work ordered, it is done, without any soldier having received the slightest injury. I would even say that the men were so happy that they came to shake my hand and their faces were all joyful. I immediately thanked Little Sr Thérèse for her visible protection. More than ever we must pray and ask for the intercession of Sr Thérèse of the Child Jesus.

Tomasetti, A. / Belgian Army

1916 It is with great interest that I read the summary of the holy life of the Servant of God, Thérèse of the Child Jesus, so I am pleased to announce that I place myself under her protection. The pamphlets you sent me pass from hand to hand, and make the rounds of the company. I have complete confidence in my little saint.

1917 April It is by the heart that we must take these children to put them back on the right path. Devotion to Sister Thérèse is so tender, it suits our soldiers very well, even mine. October: Our forehead is quite hectic at times, but so far nothing unpleasant has happened to me, which I attribute to the protection of my little saint, whom I never cease to pray, and in whom I have complete confidence. I still carry a medal and a relic, as do many of my fellow combatants, and I must tell you that our unit's casualties are almost nil.

PD unknown soldier / letter from Father Quentin, vicar at ND de Vincennes

1916  I hasten to send you the offering of 5 francs that an unknown soldier gave me for you in the Metro. Attached is the note accompanying the offering: "Father, I would be very grateful if you could send this offering to the Carmel of Lisieux in gratitude for the protection I have been the object of until now and which is due, I believe, to little Sister Thérèse. PD"

Malaval, L. /sergeant

1916 I am consoled to think that Sister Thérèse really wants to be my sister, the sister of my soul, my guide, my support. This conviction is for me full of sweetness and encouragement. I find there a great strength to bear the torments of the horrible war. The physical sufferings, the heartaches, the material dangers, the moral pitfalls, the worries of my little family, all of this I entrust to the lovable saint with the confidence that a brother places in his beloved sister.. .I was surprised and moved to see that if something fails me, I blame myself for it, thinking that Sister Thérèse must be saddened.

Castan, François / Operator 194e brigade


1916 June  [Me and my comrades] we are all devoted, privileged, favored of the little flower of the Carmel of Lisieux that we like to call in our language: “the Saint of the hairy”.

We would like to make known our little flower so charming, so delicious, so good, so powerful. We would be very happy to be able to distribute around us small brochures, images of all kinds, medals...

Marshal, Emile / Brigadier

1917 It's been two years since I made Sister Thérèse's work my bedside book, my kind of breviary. With the Imitation, it's my entire war library... Nothing can detach me from it. It makes me feel like a child and I am 40 years old. I feel his constant protection and ignore the sullen sorrows. My life is getting better.

Henry, George / 1er March Battalion

1917th November I dare to hope that she will not abandon me, I ask her in my prayers, you would not believe [how] I see life differently, I go to the fire with faith and hope!
Gougeon, Henri / Soldier at 6e c

Atger, Jean-Charles / Corporal at 111e Reg. infantry

life biography

1915 I am only a simple corporal, promoted under the fire of the enemy, but I would like to be more so that my rank will allow me to extend on a larger scale the propaganda that I am doing in my group.

All my men have sewn on their greatcoats the relic that works so many miracles. At 15 meters from the German trenches, we have a post made up of two squads, which are relieved every forty-eight hours. For four days, in all the squads which occupied it, there were killed and many wounded. When our turn came, I left very calm, placing all my trust in God, and during these two days of danger, my men and I prayed fervently, reciting, among other things, the prayer of little Sister Thérèse. Well ! not a bomb or a grenade fell on us. Hardly had we left the post when the terrible grapeshot resumed, falling on those who replaced us.

Often in the evening, at the bivouac, we get together to read a little from the Life of Sister Thérèse, and that is the best moment of our day, in this dreadful storm. No fear that one of us interrupts the reader, and the noise of the cannon does not bother us much. Several of my comrades harass me to have a medallion of our saint, I enclose their names here, which they would gladly sign with both hands, to express their gratitude to you. [follow twenty-three signatures of soldiers].

D'Elbée, François / Captain at 83e infantry

1915, June   I had often heard of Sr Thérèse of the Child Jesus through my mother who had a great devotion to her. I knew that at the start of the war she had protected one of my brothers from danger, so I yearned to know her thoroughly. Some time ago, my wife sent me the small edition of her Life!

This admirable book became my trench book; he opened my soul to the reality and richness of the spiritual life, and showed me that even here below, the union of a soul with its God could be intimate and constant. In perilous moments, I reread a chapter of the little saint, and I immediately found calm, confidence, strength and courage. Sister Thérèse has become a great heavenly friend for me, a beloved sister. I detached from the volume the engraving which represents her on her deathbed, and which captivates me; she now adorns the poor earthen walls of my shelter, how often her sight has comforted and strengthened me.

d elbee

Bosschem, Francois / Brigadier 106e Heavy artillery

1916  As in the past, I pray to your little saint; I call her my "protector Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus" and this name is constantly on my lips...

Brandi, Pacifico / Military Chaplain of the 6e mountain artillery

1916  Sister Thérèse is still my dear little sister, she is my helper, my inspiration and my heavenly guardian in my new mission as a military chaplain. I also place my artillery soldiers under her protection...I still hear the cannon thunder, but I don't leave the relic of Sister Thérèse and she protects me. If I die, with what joy, I too will go near her to do good on earth!

Lamielle, Henri / Sergeant 171e Reg. of Inf. stretcher-bearer


1915  On September 27, 1915, during the attack on Champagne, being at that time Corporal stretcher-bearer, I had the role of picking up and transporting the wounded to the regimental post located 500 meters from the 1st line. During the days of the 25th and 26th I was constantly in the breach having no food, only the memory of the little Sister sustains me.

On the morning of the 27th, after having spent a terrible night because there had been an attack the evening before, I went to the 1st line to see the relief of the wounded, I arrived at a ridge beaten by bullets when at at this moment I feel my courage failing, and then immediately, the little Sister taking me by the hand says to me very distinctly: “Come on, my friend, ahead there are souls to save and they are waiting for you. I look and what do I see? the little sister. Believing myself the plaything of a dream, I lie down on the ground and I wait, when the call becomes more pressing, I get up and after recommending myself to God, without daring to look at the one who accompanied me, I go I am going in the open (at this moment the enemy saw me but not a shot was fired). I arrived near several wounded who were waiting for me and the first of whom had a particular devotion to Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus.

25th June 1916 my sergeant having been killed the day before, I went up to replace him, near the chief medical officer in an extremely dangerous post: the evening after a tiring day we are informed that several wounded are in front of the lines and that it is impossible to fetch them; with the head doctor at nightfall at the place indicated indeed several soldiers are there seriously wounded, immediately dressed we have them transported to the rear. That done, we retrace our steps to go to the central PS under a rain of grapeshot and iron: several of our stretcher-bearers are wounded, I take the lead, not knowing which way to go! I hold my crucifix to my heart and I await death, while at my side the dead are again torn apart by the shells. At this moment the relic of Sister Thérèse comes to be placed with my crucifix; an idea, if I asked him my way, am I worthy? then the memory of September 27 comes back to me, if she wanted to? No sooner had this thought crossed my mind than I felt carried away, they held me by the hand, I tried to find out who was leading me, nothing; clutching my crucifix and the relic to my heart I murmur this prayer: “Sister Thérèse protect us”. After having crossed the danger zone we arrive at the PS and at this moment I see the little Sister who is stripping a bright red rose, is this a dream? I don't know, but surely the dear Saint was there and I was not the plaything of a dream, it was she who had led us. For several days, the smell of freshly bloomed roses remains in these places.

Ferron, L. / Chief Warrant Officer 129e infantry regiment

1916  I have been under the protection of dear little sister Thérèse since the beginning of the war. I took part in all the attacks of my regiment, and I was miraculously saved many times. I cannot cite all the cases!

When danger approached, I confided in my celestial protector, immediately I had the conviction that nothing untoward would happen to me, it seemed to me that the danger was moving away and I felt much stronger and more courageous.

I therefore have absolute confidence and I have boundless gratitude towards dear little Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus. His thought does not leave me, and I sense his constant presence in my spiritual and material life.


1918  I would tell you that the weather is not always good in the neighborhood where I am, but the best is not worth anything. Peace would be better!   [picture on the right]

Chaler, Marcellin / 88e territorial division, group of stretcher-bearers

1916 Coming to the trenches two years ago, I had on me a small medallion of Sr Thérèse. But after having been visibly protected by this image during the dreadful bombardments and my stays in the trenches, I lost it in the straw that served as our bed, in the relief camp. My pain was great, because I had no more hope of finding her, so much had the chaff been stirred up and trampled underfoot. I didn't lose confidence though, we had to go back to the trenches in a few days and I wanted to take my little sister with me. I knelt down and asked her that if she really loved me like a good little sister, she shouldn't abandon me when she returned to the fire! My Ave Maria finished I started my research again, but without any result. The next morning, the day of departure, very early in the morning I was bending over the straw to put on my backpack when I saw my little medallion, in a place quite above the straw, clearly visible to be distinguished. Tell you my joy! you guess it! It was on my knees that I said to him: thank you! Obviously these things are naive to tell; but they take on a much more serious stamp to be "felt" on the forehead, when the cannon rumbles nearby and you believe with all your soul that if you are still alive you owe it after God, to the little Sister who makes herself so well the guardian angel of those who invoke her.

Féret, Noël / captain, 42e Territorial


1916 I feel on myself and mine, and I would dare to say on the whole of France the benefits of Sr Thérèse of the Child Jesus. I have absolute confidence in her, and I believe her to be so powerful with God, because she possessed the two most beautiful virtues: humility and kindness...

In my company [photo], the lovely saint has many devotees, and almost all of them bear her image.

I remember among other episodes of war, that after a stay in a wood near the front, we went down a little to the rear, and reviewing, I visited the kitchen of a section. The men had not undressed for four days, their clothes were dirty, the kitchen was as dark as they were, which gave the place the appearance of a den of brigands. Suddenly, I saw on the chest of an old sergeant with a shaggy beard the medallion of Sister Thérèse! I shall never forget the impression I felt at the sight of that angelic countenance in such surroundings; it was like a ray from heaven!

Gouguenheim, Luc / Sergeant, 40e Infantry, Sector 76

1916  Thank you a thousand times thank you for all your prayers and especially for this protection with which Saint Thérèse deigns to shower me. Since the day when I trusted in his intercession, I felt endowed with a more robust courage and the bombardment, which made so many of my comrades turn pale, had no hold on me. How beautiful it is to have confidence! In the most critical moments, I am animated by a supernatural serenity and I am sure to emerge from the storm.

Guérin-Vénien / Sergeant at 37e Reg. Territorial Inf.

1916 Several months ago, when the rumor of our departure for the front ran, one of my comrades said to me: "I want you to take a souvenir of me, it's something I care a lot about... give it because I am sure it will bring you happiness. It was a Agnus Dei, carrying on one side the photograph of the little Sister, and at the same time an image concerning her. I live in it as a call to entrust myself. Since then, my devotion to Sister Thérèse has only increased. I obtained through her intercession several spiritual and temporal graces, where her intervention for me is undeniable. So now I entrust everything to her, saying to her: “Here is what seems good to me, if you believe it too, little Sister, ask for it yourself, I am sure that you will obtain it. I find in praying to her a great calm and a great deal of sweetness.

Guyot, Marcel / Corporal 134e infantry regiment, 26e company

guyot marcel

1915 Thanks to Thérèse's protection, I am still here, corporal, instructing class 15 who will go into the fire as soon as they are instructed. I plan to go to war soon.

My thought, in the war, will be to fight in order to keep the places where our little saint lived completely inviolate and not to allow the companions she left in her beautiful Carmel of Lisieux to be under the yoke of the barbarians. . I ask Thérèse to be my guardian angel. I accept everything, as long as she accompanies me.

1915 I don't forget Thérèse! Our trench was shelled, two bullets passed in front of me. I went the night before yesterday to patrol ahead of the lines, and Therese led me by the hand. She would have appeared to me that she would not have surprised me, I felt her so close to me.

1915 I received your beautiful mimeographed letter, it went around the company! Thérèse protects us: no one touched in my half-section since I entrusted it to her.

1916 Kind sister, your prisoner sergeant [in Darmstadt] sends you his greetings by way of Lisieux! Carmel, yours, is indeed the antechamber of Paradise.

Jutard, Emile / Sergeant, 21e Colonial

1916 As part of the Colonial Corps which has just been engaged in the formidable offensive currently taking place in the Somme against the impious and barbarous horde, I had the good fortune to be relieved from the furnace yesterday safe and sound. Oh ! to tell you how much I invoked this Sr Thérèse is impossible. It seemed to me that she was beside me and that she was guiding my steps. Resting for a few hours, we are going to get back into the fight again, and it is with the same courage and the same confidence that I return to it since my little Sister Thérèse is watching over me.

1917 I am currently in the trenches of Alsace, on this land for which we have been fighting for almost three years. Here I have plenty of time to think of my little Sister Thérèse and to pray to her, so that these painful hours in the trenches seem sweet to me.

Lechevrel / Corporal-Fourrier - 203 Reg. of Inf., 16th Company, sector 112

1916  To the trenches. Once already, the poor soldier that I am, had recommended himself to your prayers. Since then, the Blessed Little Sister has sown in her obscure and fierce life “the rain of roses” which makes the trench almost fraternal! His name murmured under the gust fills souls with so much hope.

Milliot / Corporal quartermaster, 51e Territorial Infantry, 8e Company


1916 Since my entry into the campaign, I have gone through severe trials. I have always attributed my protection to Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus. I will carry his image all my life. I will honor him in my family home. The little Saint is my support and my comfort in danger and in pain.

Sannier, G. / Mechanic of the Merchant Marine, Dieppe

1916  [Lisieux] You asked me earlier if I like Sister Thérèse. Oh ! yes come on, I like her, she lives with me among the dangers and the supernatural strength she gives me is enough to prove to me that she is for me my guide and my support. Later to thank her before leaving we will go to the Cemetery to bring her some flowers to thank her for so many benefits and I will leave more confident than ever, and happier and stronger than ever to brave the dangers. I will pray to her, again and again, so that she protects us all.