the Carmel
Therese's correspondence LT 090 – To Céline – April 27 (?) 1889

MARTIN Thérèse, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus
MARTIN Céline, Sister Geneviève of the Holy Face


April 27 (?) 1889 JMJT
For April 28
I still want to wish a happy birthday to my darling Céline, I send her a small bouquet from little Jesus, he thanks her for all the beautiful flowers she has given him. Alas! these flowers are not brilliant, the baby Jesus of Carmel is poor, but in Heaven he will show us his riches and I know who he will fill with them...
Tomorrow I will receive my Jesus! Oh ! as I will speak to him of my Céline, of this other myself. I will have many things to tell him but it won't be difficult for me, a single sigh will tell him everything.
What a little draft! but I'm going so fast that you have to excuse me. I would like my heart and all that it contains for you to be known to you, but there are those things which cannot be written and which the heart alone understands.
(The bouquet of Jesus spent several hours in front of him in a vase even poorer than him!...)
Céline darling, one day we will go to Heaven, forever, then there will be no more day or night like on this earth... Oh! what joy, let us walk in peace looking at the sky, the only goal of our work. The hour of rest is approaching.
For me, kiss my Léonie whom I love so much. I do not forget the day of his 25th birthday, since I have been in Carmel I have a lot of memory for the dates.
See you soon my Céline, immortal of Jesus... I love you more than I can say.

Your little sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus.

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