the Carmel
Therese's correspondence LT 009 – To Mother Marie de Gonzague – Nov-Dec 1882

MARTIN Thérèse, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus
Marie de Gonzague


 November December 1882 (?)
            my darling mother

            It's been a long time since I've seen you so I'm very happy to write to you to tell you about my little business. Pauline told me that you were on retreat and I have come to ask you to pray to little Jesus for me because I have many faults and I would like to correct them.
I must make my confession to you. For some time I always answer when Marie tells me to do something it seems that when Pauline was little and when she apologized to my aunt from Le Mans she said to her: So many holes so many ankles, but me it's much worse Again. Also I want to correct myself and in each little hole meter a pretty little flower that I will offer to the little Jesus to prepare me for my first Communion. Oh yes this beautiful moment will come very quickly and how happy I will be when little Jesus comes into my heart to have so many beautiful flowers to offer him.
            Goodbye my dear mother I kiss you very tenderly as I love you

your little girl

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