the Carmel
Therese's correspondence LT 071 – To Mrs. Guérin – December 28, 1888

MARTIN Thérèse, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus


Jesus December 28, 88.
My darling aunt,

I am very sad, because last night, not knowing that my sisters were going to write to you, I slept like a lazy person... This morning I have very little time, and I still have to take it. on the pantry.
My dear Aunt, I would like it to be me who first wishes you a happy new year for 1889!...
When I think, dear Aunt, that your little girl has been in Carmel for nearly nine months, I can't believe it, it seems like only yesterday that I was still with you!... How fast life passes, already 16 years that I am on earth, oh! soon we will all be reunited in Heaven. I really like this word from the Psalms: "A thousand years are in the eyes of the Lord like yesterday, which is already past." How fast, oh! I want to work well while the day of life is still shining, because then will come the night when I will be able to do nothing. Pray for your little girl, my dear Aunt, so that she does not abuse the graces that the good Lord lavishes on her in the fertile valley of Carmel.
I can't help laughing when I see my letter, it's not really a New Year's letter, but my dear little Aunt, I'm with you like a child who lets her heart go without in any way looking for what he will say...
If you only knew, my darling aunt, all that I would ask for you and my dear uncle on New Year's Day!... No, you don't know, and I'm not going to undertake to tell you, it would bother you, because it would be too long.
And my little cousins ​​(my darling little sisters), how I will pray for them!...
Goodbye, my dear Aunt, please tell my Uncle how much I love him, I should have written to him at the same time as to you, my dear Aunt, but I am too stupid to talk to two people together. .. I beg your pardon, and I send you both the best kiss from your littlest Benjamin

Therese of the Child Jesus post.carm.ind.

I have just remembered that I not only thanked my dear Aunt for the crown she is willing to give me for my taking of the habit, oh! if only she knew how grateful I am and also how dear this memory will be in the heart of her granddaughter!...

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