the Carmel
Therese's correspondence LT 066 – To Louis Martin – November 15, 1888

MARTIN Thérèse, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus


JMJT November 15, 88.

My dear King,

How good God is to have healed you! I assure you that your little Queen was very tormented and really there was a lot of reason because you were very ill. The whole Carmel was in prayer, so the good Lord finally listened to his sighs and he gave me back my King, but you know, my darling little Father, now that the good God has done what we wanted, it's your turn to make us completely happy; the Orphan of Bérésina is therefore coming to ask you to take good care of yourself, as much as necessary, you know that the Intrepid No. 2 knows about it, so I beg you to have regard to his title (given by the King himself) to treat you as necessary.
Your little Queen is always close to you from the heart, how could she forget her so good King?... And then it seems to me that the affection is even greater, if that is possible, when one has suffered so much! ...
Goodbye my darling King, above all take good care of yourself to please your Queen

Thérèse of the Child Jesus pcind.

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