the Carmel
Therese's correspondence LT 061 – To Louis Martin – August 25, 1888

MARTIN Thérèse, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus


Jesus Carmel August 25, 88
My dear little Father,

So the day has finally arrived when your Queen can wish you a birthday with all the ranks, since she is in Carmel with your jewels: the Diamond and the fine pearl... Poor little Queen, she should retire to leave all the room for the splendid jewels of her King, but she really cannot resign herself to it, she has her title, too, she can show it to whoever wants to see it, it is signed by the hand of her King: Queen of France and Navarre. She doesn't have anything else, but it seems to me that's enough to get her admitted to her King; besides, no one tries to challenge his rights, even abroad he is recognized: In Italy, in Rome, we knew that the Queen was there...
My darling King, your little Queen would like to have magnificent presents to offer you, but she has nothing, besides she would be too picky. For her King, all the Vatican palaces, laden with presents, would not be beautiful enough, she dreams of something more royal, she needs immense treasures, infinite horizons; what she would like to give to her King is not found on earth, it is Jesus alone who possesses it, so she is going to ask him to fill her King with Heavenly consolations. For a Father who is not of the earth, all that is earthly cannot satisfy him.
You see, my darling little Father, that while appearing to offer you nothing, I am giving you a magnificent gift, if it does not charm your eyes at least your heart will feel it, because I hope that the Good Lord will answer my prayer. .
However, my darling little Father, while telling you that I only wish to charm your heart, I am giving you a little image made by your Queen, I hope that despite my lack of talent it will please you, the fine pearl has wanted to help me with her artistic advice and formed me the charming drawing, but she wanted me to paint her alone, the merit is not great, but my impotence is so great and my King is so indulgent that I hope to give him a little pleasure by giving him this little image.
See you soon my darling little Father, if your Queen is not with you today, she is really there in thought and in heart, she wishes you the best of the holidays you have ever had in your entire life. and kisses you with all his heart.

Your little Queen Thérèse of the Child Jesus pcind.

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