the Carmel
Therese's correspondence LT 051 – To Louis Martin – May 17 (?) 1888

MARTIN Thérèse, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus


JMJT May 17 (?) 1888
My darling king,

I know the diamond wrote you a little note, that's why I won't tell you very much about it, because your poor Queen would be eclipsed by the splendor of the Diamond... I only need to tell you again that I love you as if you didn't know it yet, and then, how could a Queen not love her King and a King like you, as holy, as good, yes you are certainly as holy as St Louis himself...
Thank you, my darling little Father, for everything you gave me, the beautiful shovel, etc... etc..., everything that follows...
Do you remember, Papa, when in Genoa we followed M. Benoît and the others from afar, ah! how much fun we had! the memory of this beautiful trip made with my darling little Father will always stay with me.
I embrace you, my darling King.
Your Queen of France and Navarre

Thérèse of the Child Jesus pcind. 

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