the Carmel
Therese's correspondence LT 033 – To Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart – November 14, 1887

MARTIN Thérèse, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus
MARTIN Marie, Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart


 14th November 1887
            My darling Godmother,

            You made a real rash judgment thinking that I would read Pauline's letter before yours, it is precisely the opposite that happened...
            Oh ! yes Marie, you told me quite a lot about it in this evening's little note, my heart has understood everything... How happy that little note was!
            When I read the letters you send me, I feel something very sweet that spreads in my heart.
            Papa is well, he is very pleased with your letters.
            I asked monks if I could not have relics of Saint Agnès, that is impossible.
            Your Theresita loves you with all her heart.

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