the Carmel
Therese's correspondence LT 251 – To Sister Martha of Jesus – June-July (?) 1897

MARTIN Thérèse, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus
Martha of Jesus


June July (?)
The little wife of Jesus must not be sad, because Jesus would be too; she must always sing in her heart the canticle of love. She must forget her little sorrows to console the great sorrows of her Spouse.
Darling little sister, don't be a sad little girl when you see that you are not understood, that you are judged badly, that you are forgotten, but catch everyone by trying to do like the others or rather by doing for yourself what others do for you, that is to say, forget everything that is not Jesus, forget YOURSELF for his love!... Darling little sister, do not say that it is difficult, if I speak like this it is your fault, you told me that you loved Jesus very much, and nothing seems impossible to the soul that loves...
Believe me, your little note really pleased me!...

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