the Carmel
Therese's correspondence LT 025 – To Marie Guérin – July 14, 1887

MARTIN Thérèse, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus
GUERIN Marie, Sister Marie of the Eucharist


 At Les Buissonnets. July 14, 1887
            My cute little Marie,

            I just received your dear little letter, I still laugh thinking of everything you tell me. Come on, ugly little Ugly, you must first start by scolding you: why did you take your face to the sculptor again? he arranged it really well!... I was sorry when I learned that your ugly little cheeks had again taken the shape of a balloon; however, experience should have corrected you, it seemed to me that you had had enough of the first time.
            I am very glad that my good aunt is better; I was dismayed when I learned that she was unwell; truly the good Lord is sending you many trials this year.
            This week is not very cheerful either at Les Buissonnets; it is the last that our dear Léonie spends with us; the days go by very quickly, she only has two more days to be with us.
            But anyway, what do you want, my poor darling, my pain is mixed with a certain joy, I am happy to finally see my dear Léonie in her center; yes I believe that only there she will be happy, at the Visitation she will find all that she lacks in the world.
            Céline is in mourning for her two little cordons bleus, the male went to join his companion the next morning, now his mortal remains are at the taxidermy. I hope, my darling, that the end of your stay at Trouville will be more cheerful than the beginning, I hope that the good Lord who has tried you so much will now give you much pleasure.
            Céline is sorry not to be able to write to Jeanne, but she is in such a hurry because of all Léonie's business that it is impossible for her. Tell Jeanne that she cannot believe how touched Léonie was by her letter as well as yours. Kiss Jeanne very hard for me. Tell my Aunt how much I love her and keep a large part of my kisses for you. (I heard about the letter from Carmel, it seems that it was very amusing). Dad sends you his regards, especially to his dear goddaughter.


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