the Carmel
Therese's correspondence LT 243 – To Sister Geneviève – June 7, 1897

MARTIN Thérèse, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus
MARTIN Pauline, Mother Agnes of Jesus


 June 7, 1897

Beloved little sister, let us never seek what seems great in the eyes of creatures. Solomon, the wisest king that ever was on earth, having considered the different labors that occupy men under the sun, painting, sculpture, all the arts, understood that all these things were subject to envy, he exclaimed that they are only vanity and affliction of spirit!...
The only thing that is not envied is the last place, so there is only this last place that is not vanity and affliction of spirit...
However "the way of man is not in his power" and sometimes we find ourselves desiring what shines. So let us humbly line up among the imperfect, let us consider ourselves little souls that the Good Lord must support at all times; as soon as he sees us fully convinced of our nothingness, he stretches out his hand to us; if we still want to try to do something great even under the pretext of zeal, the Good Jesus leaves us alone. “But as soon as I said, My foot has faltered, your mercy, Lord, has strengthened me!... Ps. xciii.” Yes, it is enough to humble oneself, to bear one's imperfections with gentleness. This is true holiness! Let's take each other by the hand, dear little sister, and run for the last place... no one will come to dispute it... 

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