the Carmel
Therese's correspondence LT 147 – To Celine – August 13, 1893

MARTIN Thérèse, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus
MARTIN Céline, Sister Geneviève of the Holy Face




In Carmel on August 13, 93

My dear little Celine,

All the troubles you have with your maid have made us sad. Our Mother did not intend to send you a letter before your return, but she is so good, she loves her little Céline so much that, knowing it in her sadness, she wants to give him a little consolation by allowing your Thérèse to write a little word.
We don't know what you should do about the house, you have to go to my Uncle, we'll find out what he decides, besides we'll talk to you about it in person. Your poor maid is very unhappy to have such a bad fault, especially to be false, but perhaps you could convert her like her husband? Have mercy on all sins, and the good Lord is powerful enough to give funds even to people who have none. I am going to pray for her, perhaps in her place I would be even less good than her and perhaps she would already be a great saint if she had received half of the graces with which the good Lord has showered me. .
I find that Jesus is very good in allowing my poor little letters to do you good, but I assure you that I am not mistaken in thinking that I have something to do with it. "Except the Lord Himself build a house, it is in vain that those who build it labor." All the most beautiful speeches of the greatest saints would be incapable of bringing out a single act of love from a heart of which Jesus would not have possession. It is He alone who knows how to use his lyre, no one else can make its harmonious notes vibrate, but Jesus uses all the means, the creatures are all at his service and He likes to use them during the night of the life in order to hide his adorable presence, but he does not hide himself so much as to let himself be guessed. In fact, I really feel that he often gives me lights, not for me but for his little exiled Dove, his dear wife. This is quite true, I find an example of it in nature itself. - Here is a beautiful peach, pink and so sweet that not all confectioners can imagine such a sweet flavor. Tell me, my Céline, is it for fishing that the good Lord created this pretty pink color so velvety and so pleasant to see and touch? Was it still for her that He spent so much sugar?... but no, it was for us and not for her. What belongs to it, what makes the essence of its life is its core, we can take away all its beauty without taking away its being. So Jesus likes to lavish his gifts on some of his creatures, but very often it is to attract other hearts, and then when his goal is achieved, he makes these external gifts disappear, he completely strips the souls who are dearest to Him. Seeing themselves in such great poverty these poor little souls are afraid, it seems to them that they are good for nothing since they receive everything from others and cannot give anything, it is not so, the essence of their being works in secret, Jesus forms in them the germ which must develop up there in the celestial gardens of Heaven. He delights in showing them their nothingness and his power, He uses the basest instruments to reach them in order to show them that it is He alone who works. He hastens to perfect his work for the day when, the shadows having vanished, He will no longer use intermediaries, but an eternal Face to Face!...
(Our Mother thanks Marie for her little letter as well as MM de Gon., they are delighted.)

Sr Thérèse of the Child Jesus of the Holy Face rel.carm.ind.

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