the Carmel
Therese's correspondence LT 146 – To Mrs. Guérin – August 10, 1893

MARTIN Thérèse, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus




In Carmel on August 10, 93

                My dear Aunt,

                I saw with pleasure that you knew how to guess your little girl's heart, but I don't want my beautiful handwriting to lose the honor of being admired at the Château de La Musse! so I was very happy when our good little Mother entrusted me with the sweet mission of answering your letter.
                Oh ! My dear Aunt, each of the lines you have drawn reveals to me your heart, it is that of the most tender of Mothers, but also that of your little Thérèse is a child's heart filled with love and gratitude...
                I ask the good Lord to heal my dear Uncle. Truly it seems to me that this prayer cannot fail to be answered since Our Lord is Himself interested in this healing. Isn't it for his glory that the arm of my good Uncle never ceases to tire writing admirable pages which must save souls and make demons tremble?
                I hope that we have already been answered and that you are enjoying in peace the last days you have left to spend in your beautiful castle. How happy Jeanne must be to be able to enjoy the presence of Francis at her ease, she who is so deprived of it in Caen! I prayed so that the nasty sprain disappears completely because it must have been a big cloud in the azure sky of my Jeanne.
                I also think of my little sister Marie; it seems to me that since she placed her dwelling in the heights of the trees I must seem to her very small and very contemptible; approaching the Heavens one discovers marvels which are not found in the humble valley. She's going to say that I'm mean, but that won't prevent me from making Holy Communion for her Greatness on her feast day...
                I cannot tell you, dear Aunt, how happy I am to think that my dear little Father is in your midst, filled with tenderness and care; the good Lord has done for him the same thing as for his servant Job, after having humiliated him, he fills him with his favors and it is through you that all these goods and this affection are given to him.
                Dear little Aunt, I still have many things to tell you, but I have no more room and it is not respectful to end like this in the face of a letter, forgive me, my dear Aunt, and understand all the things that I would like to write as well as to all the family.
                Mother Marie de Gonzague and our Mother tell you a thousand kind things; they are happy to think that Madame de Virville will make your acquaintance.
                I embrace you with all my heart, my dear Aunt, and am always
                Your respectful little girl

Sr Thérèse of the Child Jesus rel.carm.ind.

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