the Carmel
Therese's correspondence LT 138 – To Mrs. Guérin – November 17, 1892

MARTIN Thérèse, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus




In Carmel on November 17, 1892

                My dear Aunt,

                The smallest of your daughters feels powerless to tell you again of her tenderness and all the wishes she has for you. But a mother's heart can easily guess what is going on in her child's soul, so, dear little Aunt, I am not going to try to translate feelings that you have known for a long time.
                This year the good Lord has filled my heart with a very sweet consolation by recalling my dear little Father from his exile. Looking back in my mind at the painful years that have just passed, my soul overflows with gratitude. I cannot regret the pains that have passed and that have completed and embellished the crown that God is about to place soon on the venerable brow of him who loved him so much and served him so faithfully...
                And then these sorrows taught me to know better the treasures of tenderness hidden in the hearts of dear parents whom the good Lord has given me... "The most beautiful masterpiece of God's heart is the heart of a Mother.” I feel how true this word is and I thank the Lord for giving me the sweet experience of it.
                Dear little Aunt, I assure you that if you have a maternal heart for us, your little daughter has one that is very filial, so she asks Jesus to shower you with all the favors that a child's heart can dream for. his dear mother. Often silence alone is able to express my prayer, but the divine guest of the tabernacle understands everything; even the silence of a child's soul which is filled with gratitude!... If I am not present on my dear Aunt's birthday, my heart will be close to her and no one will will fill with tenderness.
                I beg you, my dear Aunt, to kiss my good Uncle and my dear little sisters for me.
                I leave you, my dear Aunt, remaining united to you as a daughter is to her Mother.
                Your child who loves you

Sr Thérèse of the Child Jesus rel.carm.ind.

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