the Carmel
Therese's correspondence LT 134 – To Celine – April 26, 1892

MARTIN Thérèse, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus
MARTIN Céline, Sister Geneviève of the Holy Face




26 April 1892

                My dear Celine,

                The Carmel meadow provides me this year with a symbolic present that I am happy to offer you for your 23rd birthday... One day in the middle of the herbette all whitened by simple daisies, I thought I saw one with a slender stem which surpassed them in beauty; having approached I saw with surprise that instead of a daisy there were indeed two distinct ones. Two stems so closely united immediately made me think of the mysteries of our souls... I understood that if in the order of nature Jesus likes to sow under our feet such ravishing marvels, it is only to help us to guess more hidden mysteries and of a higher order that he operates sometimes in souls... Céline, I feel that you have already understood your Thérèse, your heart has already guessed what is going on in that other heart to which yours is so closely united that the sap that nourishes them is the same!... However, I want to tell you about some of the mysteries hidden in my fleurette. Jesus created to delight our sight and instruct our souls a multitude of little daisies. I see with astonishment that in the morning their pink corollas are turned towards the dawn, they await the sunrise; as soon as this radiant star has sent its warm rays towards them, the timid flowers open their chalices and their pretty leaves form like a crown which, leaving their little yellow hearts uncovered, immediately gives these flowers a great resemblance to the one who struck them. of his light. Throughout the day the daisies do not stop staring at the Sun and turn like it until evening, then when it has disappeared, very quickly they close their corollas and from white they become pink again... Jesus is the divine Sun and the daisies are his brides, the virgins. When Jesus looked at a soul, he immediately gave it his divine likeness, but this soul must never stop fixing its gaze on Him alone. To develop the mysteries of the daisies I would have to write a volume, but my Céline understands everything, so now I want to talk to her about the fantasies of Jesus... In his meadow Jesus has many daisies but they are all separated and each receives the rays of the Sun separately. One day the bridegroom of virgins bent down to the earth; he united so tightly two little buds that had just opened; their stems melted into one and a single look made them grow; together these little flowers, which have become a single flower, have blossomed, and now the double daisy fixing its gaze on its divine Sun is accomplishing its mission which is unique... Celine, only you can understand my language; in the eyes of creatures our life seems very different, very separate, but I know that Jesus united our hearts in such a marvelous way that what makes one beat also makes the other tremble... “Where is your treasure there is your heart.” Our treasure is Jesus, and our hearts are one in Him. The same gaze has ravished our souls, a gaze veiled in tears, which the double daisy has resolved to wipe away; its humble and white corolla will be the chalice where the precious diamonds will be collected to be later poured on other less privileged flowers which will not have fixed on Jesus the first glances of their hearts...
                Farewell Céline darling, the little flower I am sending you is a relic because it rested in the hands of our Blessed Mother Geneviève, and she blessed Céline and Thérèse...

Thérèse of the Child Jesus of the Holy Face rel.carm.ind.

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