the Carmel
Therese's correspondence LT 133 – To Mrs. Guérin – November 16, 1891

MARTIN Thérèse, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus




In Carmel on November 16, 91

                My dear Aunt,

                It is very sweet for your youngest daughter to come with her elders to wish you your birthday.
                Every year I see with happiness the date of November 19th and if it is for me filled with sweet memories it is also rich in hope for the future...
                The more I advance in life, the more I appreciate how sweet a Mother's Day is. Alas! from my childhood the good Lord had seemed to rob me forever of a joy that I had never experienced, but from the height of Heaven the one who could not lavish her caresses on me inspired in a maternal heart that was very dear to her the tenderness of a Mother for her poor little child, and since then she too has been able to feel the sweet joys that one tastes in celebrating a dear Mother!...
                My dear little Aunt, since she has been on Mount Carmel, your little Thérèse feels even better, if possible, the affection she bears you, the more she learns to love Jesus and the greater her tenderness for his dear parents.
                The little present that our good Mother was happy to make work for your birthday will tell you better than I, my dear Aunt, what I am powerless to tell you. My heart is filled with emotion on seeing these poor hairs which no doubt have no other value than the delicate work and the grace of their arrangement, but which nevertheless were loved by the one whom the good Lord took from us... Dear little Aunt, do you understand? I am happy to see that it is to the one who, after this dear Father, is dearest to me in this life, that this hair is offered, which he would have received with such pleasure.
                My dear little Aunt, this letter bears little resemblance to a festive letter in which one should speak only of joy and happiness. But I can only speak with my heart, it alone guides my pen and I am quite sure that the maternal heart to which I speak will be able to understand me and even guess what I cannot express. .
                My darling Aunt, I have to finish my letter but first, I want to send you all my kisses and I beg you to tell your little girls that they are the ones I charge to give them to you for me, I'm sure that they will be charmed by the mission that I entrust to them and that they will fulfill it perfectly...
                Your little daughter once again sends you all her best wishes and asks you, my dear little Aunt, to believe in all the tenderness of her child's heart...

Sr Thérèse of the Child Jesus rel.carm.ind.

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