the Carmel
Therese's correspondence LT 108 – To Celine – July 18, 1890

MARTIN Thérèse, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus
MARTIN Céline, Sister Geneviève of the Holy Face




In Carmel on July 18, 90

                Celine dear,

                If you knew what your letter said to my soul! Ah! joy flooded my heart like a vast ocean!... Céline, you know all that I have to tell you, since you are me... I am sending you a sheet that says a lot to my soul, it seems to me that yours will also plunge into it...
                Céline so long ago... and already the soul of the prophet Isaiah was immersed like ours in the hidden beauties of Jesus... Ah! Céline, when I read these things I wonder what time is?... Time is only a mirage, a dream... already God sees us in glory, he enjoys our bliss eternal!... Ah! how good this thought is for my soul, then I understand why he doesn't haggle with us... He feels that we understand him, and he treats us like his friends, like his dearest wives...
                Céline, since Jesus was "alone to tread the wine" that he gives us to drink, let us in turn not refuse to wear clothes stained with blood... let us tread for Jesus a new wine which quenches him, which restores love for love, ah! let's not keep a single drop of the wine we can give him... then, looking around him, he will see that we have come to help him!... His face was as if hidden!... Céline, he still is today, for who understands the tears of Jesus?...
                Céline darling, let us make in our heart a little tabernacle where Jesus can take refuge, then He will be consoled and He will forget what we cannot forget: "The ingratitude of the souls who abandon Him in a deserted tabernacle!..."
                “Open to me, my sister, my bride, for my face is full of dew and my hair the drops of night” (can. of Can.) this is what Jesus tells us to the soul when he is abandoned and forgotten !... Céline, oblivion, it seems to me that this is what pains her the most!...
                Dad!...ah! Céline, I cannot tell you everything I think, it would take too long, and how can I say things that even thought can barely translate, from the depths that are in the most intimate abysses of the soul!...
                Jesus sent us the best-chosen cross that he could invent in his immense love... how can we complain when he himself was considered a man smitten by God and humiliated!... The divine charm, charm my soul and console it marvelously, every moment of the day! ah! the tears of Jesus what smiles!...
                Kiss everyone for me and tell her everything you want!... I think a lot of my darling Léonie, my dear little Visitandine. Tell Mary of the Blessed Sacrament that Jesus asks of her a lot of love, he wants from her reparation for the coldness he receives, her heart must be a brazier where Jesus can warm himself!... He must that she forgets herself entirely to think only of Him alone!...
                Céline, let us pray for the priests, ah! pray for them. May our life be consecrated to them, Jesus makes me feel every day that he wants this from both of us. 



From the Prophet Isaiah (ch.53).

                Who has believed our word, and to whom has the strength of the arm of the Lord been revealed? Christ will rise up before the Lord like a sapling, like an offshoot coming out of dry ground: He is without beauty or brilliance; We have seen it ; He had nothing that caught the eye and we misunderstood him. He seemed to us an object of contempt, the lowest of men, a man of pain who knows what it is to suffer!... His face was as if hidden!... He seemed contemptible and we didn't see him. recognized. He truly took our pains upon Himself and He bore our pains. We considered him as a leper, as a man smitten and humbled by God!... And yet he was pierced with wounds for our iniquities, He was crushed for our crimes. The chastisement that was to bring us peace fell upon Him, and we were healed by His stripes. 


Continuation of ch. 53.

                Who is he who comes from Edom and Bosra with his robe dyed with red?... Who is he who shines in the beauty of his clothes, and who walks with an almighty force?... It is I whose the word is a word of justice, which comes to defend and to save. Why then is your robe all red, and why are your garments like the garments of those who tread the press? I was alone in treading the wine without any man of all peoples being with me. I looked around, and there was no one to help me; I searched and found no help!
                These who are clothed in white robes, who are they and where do they come from? These are the ones who came through great tribulation and washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb. This is why they are before the throne of God and they serve him night and day... 


                My beloved is a bouquet of myrrh, he will rest on my heart!... My beloved shines with the whiteness and brightness of his face, the hair of his head is like royal purple. My beloved is everything lovable, his face inspires love, and his inclined face urges me to render him love for Love. 


                My face bent over my Beloved, I stayed there and forgot myself; everything disappeared for me and I abandoned myself, leaving all my concerns lost in the middle of the Lilies!... (Fragment of a canticle from Our Father St John of the Cross.)

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