1. Lord, you chose me from my earliest childhood
And I can call myself the work of your love...
I would, oh my God! in my gratitude
Oh ! I wish I could pay you back!...
Jesus my Beloved, what is this privilege
Poor little nothing, what did I do for you
And I see myself placed in the royal procession
Virgins of your court, lovable and divine King!
2. Alas I am nothing but my very weakness
You know it, oh my God! I have no virtues...
But you know it too, the only friend I love
The one who charmed me is you, my Sweet Jesus!...
When in my young heart this flame was lit
Which is called love, you came to claim it....
And you alone, O Jesus! could satisfy a soul
Who until infinity needed to love.
3. Like a little lamb far from the fold
I frolicked merrily ignoring the danger
But, O Queen of Heaven! my darling Shepherdess
Your invisible hand knew how to protect me
Also while playing at the edge of precipices
Already you showed me the summit of Carmel
I then understood the austere delights
That I would have to love to fly away to Heaven.
4. Lord, if you cherish the purity of the angel
Of this spirit of fire which swims in the azure
Don't you also love rising from the mire
The lily that your love knew how to keep pure?
If he is happy, my God, the angel with the crimson wing
Who appears before you shining with purity
My joy here below to his is the same
Since I have the treasure of virginity!...
Dating: May 1897
Recipient: Mary of the Trinity, at her request.
A beautiful gift to complete the legacy of Marie de la Trinité.