Italic text test
1. When the God of hosts giving you victory
You chased away the stranger and crowned the king
Jeanne, your name became famous in history
Our greatest conquerors pale before you.
2. But it was still only a fleeting glory
Your name needed the halo of Saints
So the Beloved offered you his bitter cup
And you were like Him rejected from humans.
3. Deep in a dark dungeon, laden with heavy chains
The cruel stranger showered you with pain
Not one of your friends took part in your sorrows
Not one came forward to wipe away your tears.
4. Jeanne you seem to me brighter and more beautiful
Only at the coronation of your king, in your dark prison.
This celestial reflection of eternal glory
Who brought it to you? It was betrayal.
5. Oh! if the God of love in the valley of tears
Didn't come looking for betrayal, death
Suffering for us would have been without charms
Now we love her, she is our treasure.
Dating: may ? 1897
Recipient: Therese herself.
Very ill, Thérèse revisits her faithful friend Joan of Arc by re-reading her plays and spontaneously writes this poem on the theme of prison.