the Carmel

The Canticle of Sister Marie of the Trinity and the Holy Face - PN 31


Composed by his little Sr Children's Th. J.

1. In your love, exile you on earth
Divine Jesus, you immolate yourself for me!
My Beloved, take my whole life
I want to suffer, I want to die for you...

R.1 Lord, You told us Yourself:
“There is nothing more we can do
Than to die for those we love"
And my supreme Love,
It's you, Jesus!...

2. It's getting late, already the day is fading
Come guide me, Lord, in the way.
With your cross, I climb the hill,
Stay with me, Celeste Pilgrim........

R.2 Your voice echoes in my soul
I want to be like you, Lord.
The suffering, I claim it
Your word of flame
Burn my heart!....

3. It is yours, the eternal victory,
Singing it, the angels are delighted,
But to enter your sublime glory
Lord, you had to suffer!...

R.3 For me, on the foreign shore,
What contempt have you not received?...
I want to hide on the ground
To be in everything the last
For you, Jesus!...

4. My Beloved, your example invites me
To humble myself, to despise honor.
To delight you, I want to stay small
By forgetting myself, I will charm your Heart.

R.4 My peace is in solitude
I don't ask for anything more...
Pleasing you is my only study
And my bliss
It's you, Jesus!...

5. You the Great God, whom all Heaven adores
You live in me, prisoner night and day
Your sweet voice at all hours implores me
You tell me again: "I thirst... I thirst for love!..."

R.5 I am also your prisoner,
And I want to say it again
Your tender and divine prayer:
“My Beloved, my Brother
I thirst for Love!...”

6. I thirst for Love, fill my hope
Increase in me, Lord, your Divine Fire
I thirst for Love, very great is my suffering
Ah! I would like to fly towards you, my God!...

R.6 Your Love is my only martyrdom
The more I feel it burning inside me
And the more my soul desires you...
Jesus make me breathe out
Love for You! ! !...

May 31, 1896

Dating: 31th May 1896
Recipient: Mary of the Trinity
For her birthday, Thérèse offers the young professed a mystical interview with Jesus.

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