the Carmel

To Our Father Saint Joseph - PN 14


Joseph, your wonderful life
Happened in poverty,
But, of Jesus and Mary
You contemplated beauty.

Joseph, O tender Father
Protect Carmel
That your children on this earth
Always taste the peace of Heaven!


The Son of God, in his childhood
More than once with happiness,
Submitted to your obedience
Sat on your heart.


Like you in loneliness
We serve Mary and Jesus
Pleasing them is our only study
We want nothing more...


Saint Therese our Mother
invoked you with love
She assures that her prayer
You have always answered her.


After the exile of this life
We have the sweet hope
With our dear mother
Saint Joseph, we will come to see you.

Last Chorus
Bless, loving Father
Our little Carmel
After the exile from the earth
Gather us in Heaven!
(Air: We Want God)

Dating: between March and December 1894
Recipient: Marie de l'Incarnation, at her request
As the recipient was named Josephine, she undoubtedly honored her patron saint with a particular cult. On November 14, she celebrates her 40 years of profession. But Saint Joseph remains a possibility (that year on April 4). Thérèse chooses to briefly describe her life, while praying to this guardian of Carmel for the Carmelites.

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